If headaches are making you miserable, keeping a diary can help.
It's a good way to help you and your doctor see patterns and causes for your headaches, so you can work together on a treatment plan.
It's easy too. All you need is a notebook.
Now, let's look at what to include in your diary each time you have a headache.
Write down the date and time your headache started.
Note what you were doing when you got the headache.
List anything that might have triggered your headache.
A trigger is a possible cause, like weather changes, lack of sleep, and strong smells.
Red wine, chocolate, and cured meats also can be triggers.
For women, a trigger might be your menstrual cycle.
So, note if you get headaches during your period.
Next, describe how you felt.
Did you have any warning that you were getting a headache, like changes in vision?
Was your pain throbbing or stabbing?
Steady and constant?
Did it hurt on one side of your head or all over?
Also include what you did to treat your headache.
What kind of medicine did you take?
What was the dose?
Did you lie down and rest?
Note what kinds of things made you feel better.
Be sure to take your diary with you when you see your doctor.
It will help both of you find what's causing your headaches, and help you start feeling better.