Hartford HealthCare Recognizes Suicide Prevention Week with Several Events

September 07, 2016

Nearly 30,000 Americans commit suicide every year. In observance of Suicide Prevention Week September 5 through September 9 the Institute of Living has planned events for clinicians and the public.

A schedule of events is listed below:

Tuesday, September 6: Issues of Suicide for Clinicians/Staff. Noon to 1 p.m. Massachusetts Cottage, 1st Floor, Group Room. Light lunch provided.

Wednesday, September 7: Survivors of Suicide Group, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Massachusetts Cottage, 1st Floor, Group Room. 

Thursday, September 8: CHA, The Connecticut Zero Suicide Initiative, 8:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., Connecticut Hospital Association, 110 Barnes Road, Wallingford.

Friday, September 9:

World Suicide Prevention Day Conference, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ERC, Heublein Hall.

Flag lowering ceremony, 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., In front of Hartford Hospital.

To register for the Friday conference, visit hartfordhospital.org/events or call 1.855.HHC.HERE (1.855.422.4373)

To register for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday events, call 860-545.7324.

Hartford Hospital psychiatrist featured in suicide prevention podcast

Preventing suicide is possible, according to psychiatrist Dr. Linda Durst, Medical Director of Hartford Hospital's Institute of Living. She is the featured guest in the latest Connect to Healthier Short Podcast. WTIC's Ray Dunaway hosts. 

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